Import CSV data

100x Faster

Stop manually fixing your csv complex data. With ClearFile, life is simple!


Product Features

Clearing a CSV File has never been easier.

Auto Fix Errors

We make data cleanup easy (and dare we say fun!) for your users with flexible data cleaning features

Intelligent mapping

Set your mappings once and bypass mapping on future uploads. In fact, we use historical mappings across your entire use base to intelligently suggest the best mappings to your user.

Customize Everything

Tweak the behavior of Importer to match your exact workflow. Tune your mapping strategies, allow partial import submissions, customize import instructions and more.

Guided Import Experience

Add helpful context for your user throughout their import experience. .

Filter Sets

Add Filter set and only download filtered data.

Data Filters

Set up filter rules at a client level, Ex. Age must be greater than 65.

How It Works?

Clear your CSV File in a better and faster way.

1. Upload

Drag and Drop your the CSV file you would like to format and clean.

2. Fix

The system will analyze the columns, rows and cells and detect possible formatting issues, mistyped information and clean it for you instantly.

3. Download

The is built upon an ecosystem of billions of record signals and trusted data sources ensuring more than 99.9999% of your records will be fixed.

How frustrated were you the last time you imported a CSV file?

Exasperated? That's how your customers feel when they're trying to get their data to you. If only they could see the value of your product faster; instead, they're stuck importing spreadsheets and fixing formatting errors in Excel.


We can Change your Life!

The most customizable importer.
Fixed & Transparent pricing, No Surprises, No Setup Fee.



Uploads: 10 / month

Rows: 30,000 / file



Uploads: 50 / month

Rows: 50,000 / file



Uploads: 100 / month

Rows: 100,000 / file

Can't find a plan that fits your need?

Email us at and we will find a plan for you.